Why I am blogging

By being accountable for what I am doing I am hoping to provide myself with the motivation I need to continue losing weight

Saturday, September 4, 2010

What brought me here

I have always struggle with my weight. In high school I got myself down to 140 pounds by doing weight watchers and going to curves. I was loving my body and enjoying being skinny. Once I moved in with my husband in 2005 at 19 (he was my fiancee back then!) I was no longer restricted on my diet since I shopped for myself and that is when I lost control again. I ended up going back and forth between 180-185. I hated my body and how clothes looked on me. Once I found out I was pregnant in October 2008 I pretty much gave up on ever being skinny again. When Jonathan was born in May 2010 I was a little over 220 pounds. By the time Jonathan was a few months old I was back down to 190. I thought the breastfeeding was paying off and helping me lose weight and I was elated. Since then I have been losing weight and gaining it back. I was officially down to 180  in April. Since then I have been going back and forth between 175 to 180. After starting to watch what I eat at the End of August I managed to lose another 2 pounds. So now at my first weigh in of my journey on 9/2/2010 I was 173 pounds.I am eating much healthier now, eating more fruits and veggies and using portion control. Mostly during the day I eat fruits and veggies maybe a granola bar and then I save my big meal for the evening because that is when I seem the most hungry. I am also working out. I have been walking Lacy to school everyday (which ends up being 1.5 miles there and back) and then doing Wii Active after we get back. On the weekend I am either going to walk or ride my bike with Jonathan. I have found the best thing for me is to do the working out in the morning or I get lazy at night! I am truely looking foward to being the weight on my license which is 170, I have not been that in years! My goal is to get down to 150 and be much more toned than I am now. I can accept the fact the I will never look like I did in high school but I want to be healthy again. I want to live a long life and be around for my son for as long as possible.

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